ROALD DAHL: ROALD DAHL'S CHARLIE AND THE GREAT GLASS ELEVATOR, A PLAY ADAPTED BY RICHARD R GEORGE, intro Roald Dahl, London, George Allen & Unwin, 1984, 1st edition, original cloth, d/w, vgc + JAMES THURBER: THE THIRTEEN CLOCKS, ill Mark Simont, London, Hamish Hamilton, 1951, 1st edition, inscription on ffep, original cloth, d/w (price clipped, small part losses and closed tears) + NAOMI MITCHISON: THE SWAN'S ROAD, ill Leonard Huskinson, London, The Naldrett Press, 1954, 1st edition, original cloth, d/w (3)
Sold for £12
ROALD DAHL: ROALD DAHL'S CHARLIE AND THE GREAT GLASS ELEVATOR, A PLAY ADAPTED BY RICHARD R GEORGE, intro Roald Dahl, London, George Allen & Unwin, 1984, 1st edition, original cloth, d/w, vgc + JAMES THURBER: THE THIRTEEN CLOCKS, ill Mark Simont, London, Hamish Hamilton, 1951, 1st edition, inscription on ffep, original cloth, d/w (price clipped, small part losses and closed tears) + NAOMI MITCHISON: THE SWAN'S ROAD, ill Leonard Huskinson, London, The Naldrett Press, 1954, 1st edition, original cloth, d/w (3)
Auction: Two Day Book Sale, 16th Mar, 2022
Bi-monthly specialist two-day Books Auction
Day prior to sale 10am-2pm; Sale Day from 9am
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